One of the most important ways to help young people achieve their potential is to get the private sector involved in creating pathways to work.
With youth unemployment rates hovering at around 50% for South Africans aged 15-24, It’s a bleak picture for many young people. Slow economic growth and limited employment access is limiting the incredible potential of our youth in society, and with it their opportunities to make positive contributions to their communities.
That’s why the Sorbet Group’s Sorbet Empowering Wo+Men (SEW) Trust is so excited and confident in its upskilling and education programme for young people.
The Sew Trust works closely with Harambee — a renowned youth accelerator organisation — to match applicants to its program for the best chance of success and employment. Head of the Sew Trust, Jacqui Marthinusen, explains that there is a growing need for professionals in the grooming industry,
“On qualifying, our nail technicians are quickly recruited by salon owners, as our graduates are well rounded in terms of their qualification, soft and life skills. They have a passion and dedication for what they do, and this is appreciated and recognised by employers.”
One such shining star is Daniel Chingwalu. Originally a security guard, Daniel enrolled at the Beauty Therapy Institute @ Sorbet Rivonia, while self-funding a massage course in his spare time. When he was made redundant, Daniel leapt at the opportunity to become SEW’s first barber trainee!
Another is Xoliswa Gasa – who was chosen to be one of six students to complete a formal Mani & Pedi course with SEW. Now a graduate, Xoliswa is employed and has impressed her new employer with her can-do attitude and focus on the future.
Ama Ngondo was unemployed with no idea what the world could offer her, and no means to fund further education. After attending a Harambee Match Me Day, she was matched with SEW and shortlisted for training. After graduating and working in a salon, Ama has embarked on full time studies to write the new chapter in her career.
Help young people like Daniel, Xoliswa and Ama achieve their dreams and make a future possible with the SEW Trust.
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