Feeding soil with food waste

Taking kitchen waste and turning it into compost, Ladles of Love is growing food security from the roots up.

Since it started over a year ago, the Ladles of Love Feed the Soil programme has grown in leaps and bounds. Addressing food security issues across the nation, they’re highlighting the fact that tons of good food is ending up in landfill each year, which could feed millions of people.

Through their Feed the Soil programme, members are diverting more than 31 tons of waste away from landfills – turning it into soil-nourishing compost that urban farmers can use to supply their kitchens with fresh, organic produce.

These compost donations have added up to 200 bags in just one month. That’s thanks to  individuals making a conscious decision to be kind to themselves, others, and the environment.

By purchasing their food waste kit to collect food waste, they’re ensuring urban farmers get enough compost to plant their seedlings into nutrient rich soil.

And for the thousands of people who rely on meals served from these kitchens, this simple act of collecting food waste is filling tummies rather than ending up in landfill.

Get your kit www.ladlesoflove.org.za/feed-the-soil

Ladles of Loves

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