Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children: Helping Survivors of Abuse.

The SBCWC is named after Saartjie Baartman, a Khoisan woman who was inhumanely exhibited in Europe in the 19th century. Baartman’s story is a reminder of the violence and discrimination that women and children can face. The SBCWC is committed to breaking the cycle of violence and abuse and creating a safe and just world for all.

The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children is a non-profit organization in Cape Town, South Africa that provides a safe haven for women and children who are survivors of abuse. The Centre offers a variety of services, including a 24-hour emergency shelter, short-term and medium-term residential care, childcare, counselling, legal and economic empowerment services, and research on gender-based violence.


The Saartjie Baartman Centre is involved an initiative called the Beading Project.  The Beading Project is a collaboration between Black Betty, a South African jewellery brand, and the Kolisi Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Springbok rugby player Siya Kolisi. The project aims to empower survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) through skills development and financial independence.

SBCWC provides the space for the project to take place. The Centre’s workshop is equipped with all the necessary tools and materials for the women to make the bracelets. The Centre also provides the women with training in jewellery making. This training helps the women to develop new skills and to gain confidence in their abilities. The Centre’s staff are available to help the women with any challenges they may face. The women who participate in the project gain new skills and financial independence.



The SBCWC is committed to breaking the cycle of violence and abuse and creating a safe and just world for all. The centre is a vital resource for women and children who are survivors of abuse, their services are free and confidential, and they are available to anyone who needs them. 


If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, please contact the SBCWC for help.

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