Rural horse outreach

Fuelled by a passion, love and knowledge of equines, Coastal Horse Unit dreams of a world where horses are used, not abused. Knowing the many people in rural South Africa rely heavily on working horses and donkeys, the team knows that education achieves horse welfare solutions.

They go into the surrounding rural areas and offer an education program that teaches them the basics of horse care, giving them the tools they need to gain better productivity from the animals in a conducive environment — which is horse and owner friendly. They also understand that different situations need different approaches. Most importantly, they’re focused on providing non-biased support to ensure equine welfare. The rural outreach program is a powerful way to do that. And they’re working to train rural people in farriery and saddlery, which is a skills development project. Plus, the qualification provides graduates with an opportunity to gain meaningful employment and educate other community members in proper horse care.

Among their many outreaches, one stands out:

‘We woke up early in the morning and started our trek to an area that is normally invisible to the common person. An area that has been shrouded in mystery and is often swirling in mist which adds to the ethereal feel. Out of this mist, a lone horseman appeared to show us the way to the horses down in a valley. The path is unmarked and our vehicle and medical trailer trundled down a steep incline over ruts and rocks to be met with the sounds of hundreds of horses neighing, owners shouting greetings and the sound of excited children.’
And the day was a roaring success — measured by the number of owners educated, horses medicated and assisted with, and the smiles of the local children.

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