RX Radio with listeners on grass

Rocking out, with RX Radio


RX Radio is making waves with its first youth music festival, to help raise funds and inspire young patients in Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital.

Did you know that hospital radio is a happening thing in South Africa? Although it’s popular in the UK, hospital radio helps support patients while in hospital, with special broadcasts to promote overall wellbeing and recovery.

RX Radio is a radio station run by and for children operating from the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital. It’s the first radio station in the world to train child reporters to broadcast from within a hospital, and over the past two years it’s trained 100 child/young reporters (ages 4 to 18). Interestingly, 71% are patients at Red Cross and 29% is made up of siblings and friends.

The hospital radio relies on donations in support of its worthy cause, and has spent the past three years taking to the airwaves with messages of support to patients at their Rondebosch address.

A team of six staff, volunteers and former reporters (ages 18+) work behind the scenes to train, coordinate, and support the reporters – but the children are always behind the microphones and are active participants in the production. They design their own shows, choose the music, invite guests, write interview questions, and even plan fundraising events.

This year RX Radio hosted its first youth music festival, featuring youth acts, between the ages of 11 and 25, as well as some special surprise guests. Showing off some of the young upcoming talent, including skits, magicians, DJs, comedians, singers and bands from the greater Cape Town area, RX Radio young reporters have been in charge of planning, organising and marketing the festival.

“Red Cross Children’s Hospital has been a much loved benefactor of MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet for many years,” says Pieter Twine, General Manager of MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet. “We were excited when they told us about this music festival and very happily got on board by kitting out some of the children, radio presenters and volunteers

Help support RX Radio, and the incredible children who work there and inspire fellow patients. Get your FREE MySchool card today and swipe for Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital now. Make Every Swipe Count!


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