Realema Teacher Interns
Helping grow teachers for the future, Realema is supporting four more teachers in achieving their dreams thanks to the Dream2Teach Programme.
Realema means to grow, plough or farm.
Helping to grow teachers for the future, Realema is supporting talented young students to achieve their dreams of becoming a teacher. Offering full bursaries to hard-working students who could not afford to study for a teaching degree, they also gain valuable work experience as full-time teacher interns at top schools across South Africa.
Thanks to MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet’s latest donation of just over R225,000 through its Dream2Teach programme and Thuso Fund, four more students have received full bursaries to cover their tuition fees, academic tutor fees, books and stationery.
One teacher can impact two generations of learners and with South Africa’s current shortage of teachers, there’s a pressing need to grow more quality teachers in South Africa.
Dream2Teach aims to help shape the people who teach and lead their communities, learners and fellow teachers. Through Realema, individuals are developed as whole people with opportunities for professional work experiences and personalised support from start to end.
Along with the full bursaries offered, students are supported through a comprehensive mentoring program which includes appointing workplace and goodwill mentors, enrichment outings and life skills coaching. Interns are also fully integrated into the teaching faculty, and all aspects of the academic, sporting and extra curricular lives of the partner schools in which they are placed