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ORTSA | Building a bridge


ORT SA celebrates the graduation of 30 more young people from KwaZulu Natal as it seeks to bridge the skills gap to boost job market readiness.

While the pandemic may have held some people back, ORT SA’s latest digital skills graduates remain focused on the future! In a recent virtual graduation ceremony, 30 budding young students from KwaZulu Natal graduated from ORT SA’s Digital Skills programme, sponsored by MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet.

The aim of the three-month programme was to offer training aligned to the needs in the job market.
Its syllabus is accredited by recognised international institutions such as OpenWHO, Cisco NetAcad and LinkedIn — with courses including Entrepreneurship, Canva for Beginners, Canva for Intermediate, CV Writing, Video Shooting and Editing, Career Guidance and Business Bootcamp.

For Sizwe Mkhize, learning these digital skills has transformed the way the students see themselves,
“It has taught us to be problem solvers within our communities because it doesn’t only teach us to be just employees, it encourages us to become independent business owners who can create opportunities within the community.”

ORTSA Grad close ups

Unemployment in South Africa is an ongoing challenge, driving the need for more programmes that help fill skills gaps and prepare young people for the job market. And digital skills readiness is a key requirement for success.

Helene Brand, MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet Marketing and CSI Manager, reminded young graduates of the importance of digital in their future careers, “Even if you are in an industry like teaching which is very hands-on, none of us is only going to work in a purely digital world, it will always be this combination of physical and digital and learning to balance these skills, and being prepared for your professional future and your career is so important.”

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