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Missing children | MCSA


In a country where a child goes missing every five hours, Missing Children helps police alert the public within hours through its free community service.

Every five hours a child goes missing in South Africa. That’s according to SAPS figures (2013) which state that while three quarters are found, a quarter are either never found, trafficked or found deceased.

It’s a sobering fact, and one that Missing Children SA (MCSA) is actively trying to address through its recognised, free community service for missing children (and adults) in the country.

Missing Children Grady and Mrs Mondo reunion

One success story relates to Grady Mondo who went missing on 15 July 2019. On 9 August Lettie Motsitsi, a nurse from Steve Biko hospital, made a call to say she’d seen the flyer and that Grady was in the hospital and unidentified until then.

Grady is mentally disabled and cannot speak and, after being hit by a car and going missing, no one knew who he was. Despite contacting the authorities they had no further leads on Grady’s identity.

As soon as Lettie called MCSA, Grady’s mother received the call she’d been desperate for: the news that her son had been found alive. And, on the morning of 10 August, she was finally reunited with Grady who was delighted to see his mom.

Missing Children Grady and Mrs Mondo reunion
Missing Children Grady checkup

These happy endings are what drive MCSA in its goal to help save children and educate the public about missing children. No matter the reason, MCSA helps authorities whenever a child goes missing.  And, given the current state of child kidnappings and abductions, human trafficking and children going missing every day in South Africa, MCSA is inundated with work and relies entirely on funding.

As a first-tier emergency response service, MCSA has a national helpline for incident reports. Callers are then advised how to log an official incident with the SAPS to ensure efficient and timeous action. The MCSA team also liaises with investigating officers on the case to keep parents and authorities up to date with latest information.  Using its vast social and media network (approx. 225 000 Facebook followers, for example) MCSA drives awareness to maximise the chance of recovery.

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Every hour counts! Help support MCSA in its mission to save children. Support MCSA and Get a Free card or link Woolies card today.