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Hope for special needs | Home of Hope


Exposed to alcohol abuse in the womb, young adults at Home of Hope are gaining independence and purpose through sheltered employment on its working farm.

South Africa has the highest rate of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD) in the world, where almost 70 000 children are born each year with the condition. Suffering from permanent brain damage after prenatal exposure to alcohol, most children end up in foster care or children’s homes.

Home of Hope is one such non-profit organisation — providing vital care for abandoned, abused and neglected children in South Africa, with a special focus on FASD.

Founded in August 2005 by Eleanor Brook (who adopted children of her own and experienced life in a children’s home herself), Home of Hope provides permanent, round-the-clock residential care services to 19 children.

Home of Hope children at HoH

In 2010, Home of Hope opened Amathemba Special Needs School to address the educational needs of children with FASD) who, as a result of cognitive, behavioural and emotional difficulties, cannot cope within the mainstream educational system.

Home of Hope children at HoH
Home of Hope group project

Thankfully, these young people are receiving the ongoing support they need. Through its Living Life project, Home of Hope helps equip young adults with FASD and special needs with the skills they need to live their lives as independently as possible. Given the opportunity to get involved in sheltered employment on a working farm, these young adults gain valuable skills and a daily purpose through employment.

Thankfully, these young people are receiving the ongoing support they need. Through its Living Life project, Home of Hope helps equip young adults with FASD and special needs with the skills they need to live their lives as independently as possible. Given the opportunity to get involved in sheltered employment on a working farm, these young adults gain valuable skills and a daily purpose through employment.

Home of Hope

Help ensure young adults with special needs are equipped with skills and purpose through Home of Hope.  Support The Homestead and Get a Free card or link Woolies card today.