Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre rhinos grazing

Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre (HESC) | Every single rhino counts


Big or small, each rhino that comes into the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre gets the best care possible, to protect this incredible species’ future.

Rescuing rhinos like Esme, who was skin and bones when she arrived, the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre (HESC) is protecting the future of the species, one rhino at a time. Rhino poaching continues to be driven by the demand for rhino horn in Asian countries, where it’s used for traditional Chinese medicine and as a symbol of success and wealth. 

Today’s scarcity of rhinos and limited availability is driving the price of rhino horn even higher, and placing more pressure on declining rhino populations. With black and white rhino populations under serious threat because of poaching, the HESC’s Rescued Rhinos project play an important role in helping rehabilitate orphaned and injured rhinos affected by poaching in the wild.

Hoedspruit Rhinos

One such rhino rescue was Esme, who arrived severely underweight as her mother’s milk wasn’t providing any nutrients to her body. Slowly nursing her back to health, the HESC feeds her a special formula of milk four times a day, and these costs are one of many to be covered.

Due to the rise in the number of rhinos killed, the HESC is also under pressure to expand its facilities to rescue, relocate and care for these traumatised rhinos. It’s at this critical time, that each and every rhino becomes important to ensure there are enough animals to conserve the genetic viability of the species. And it’s not just the young rhinos that need help.

Although a little less cute, grown-up rhinos need as much support and love – even more so as security concerns increase. The HESC has 12 strong and incredible rhino survivors in its care, which still need support, commitment, love, and most importantly, protection. But it comes with a hefty price tag, and the HESC needs all the help it can get.

Since 2013, the HESC has taken on the massive responsibility of supporting its rhinos, which includes feeding, daily running costs, vet costs, and more importantly security and equipment costs.

By providing a sanctuary to these endangered species, the HESC believes that every single rhino counts.

Through its funding, the HESC will continue to raise awareness for the plight of the species among surrounding communities, the youth and the general public. With its experience, the HESC will also help develop standard protocols for the treatment, rehabilitation, reintroduction and protection of the species.


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