Helping address the challenges of funding and poor performance, MAD Leadership Foundation and Dream2Teach programme are helping grow more quality teachers and leaders for the future.
MAD Leadership Foundation (MAD) has a clear vision: to create more quality teachers for South Africa that will not only teach, but lead their communities, learners and fellow teachers.
According to key findings from a Stats SA survey, the top two reasons why learners drop out of, or do not attend, an education institution were a lack of money or poor academic performance.
Improving education outcomes for scholars continues to be one of the top priorities in South Africa —evidenced by the high level of funds expended on education to date. MAD addresses the key challenges of scholars which include a lack of money to access an education institution and the academic support needed to attain a matric and tertiary degree.
MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet partners with MAD to support tertiary students committed to pursuing a teaching career. By helping fund their four years of university studies, MAD ensures students have the necessary tools and opportunities to reach their full potential as future leaders of South Africa.
Through ongoing funding from MySchool, this investment in the lives of two talented future teachers will empower them to improve their socio-economic conditions, and those of their families, communities and future generations to come.
Ronel is a final year student at the University of Free State and will be graduating this year with her BEd in Foundation Phase Teaching. Although Ronel is entering the classroom during the pandemic, she is ready to face any challenges as she overcame so much to pursue her dream to become a teacher.
Growing up in a farm area, Ronel was used to working with limited resources. When she received the opportunity from Dream2Teach in partnership with Make A Difference Leadership Foundation, Ronel received the support to invest in her dream without worrying about any financial barriers. As a final year in 2021, this is a momentous year for Ronel and her family as she will be the first person to achieve a tertiary degree.
“Now that I am in my final year, it feels like a relief, and it makes me excited about doing the one thing I wished so much for. I can’t believe it is a reality and no longer a fantasy. I can’t wait to graduate and start teaching.”