Thanks to the Cart Horse Protection Association’s rescue, Spirit Girl now has a new chance at life – helping humans to heal.
Sad stories can have a happy ending – especially for one little pony who was found severely neglected. Harnessed to a cart and driven by an under-age unlicensed driver, the chestnut mare was confiscated to safety by the Cart Horse Protection Association, which often finds itself in volatile situations when cart horses need to be rescued.
Two years and a lot of TLC later, the team have finally found her ‘happy ever after’ home. Spirit Girl has been adopted by the Equinox Trust, an NGO that offers Equine Assisted Therapy to those members of society who would not normally be able to afford such services. Through horses, they heal humans.
Relying on donations for support,
the Cart Horse Protection Association continues its
good work and is thrilled for Spirit Girl in her new home.