Making quality early learning accessible to even more children, Builders and MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet are funding three more state-of-the-art education spaces worth R1 720 000 at Christel House South Africa.
This month, Christel House will open its doors to reveal three brand new state-of-the art Grade RR classrooms worth R1 720 000! That’s thanks to Builders and MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet — working in partnership to make quality early learning accessible to even more children.
The 60 children aged 4–5, come from severely impoverished communities on the Cape Flats — where gang warfare, abject poverty, violence, and other social hazards are a way of life. Through improved access to high-quality early education, these young learners now have the chance to dream of a brighter future.
Christel House is a local, non-profit school based in Ottery, Cape Town. The school opened its doors in 2002 when founder Christel DeHaan introduced a holistic educational model, providing free top-quality education to children from under-resourced communities in Cape Town.
Its goal is to break the cycle of abject poverty by offering no-fee scholarships to students from some of Cape Town’s poorest neighbourhoods and supporting them for 19 years (Grade RR to Grade 12 and five years post-matric) through character-based and career focused education. Admission to Christel House is not evidence of talent, but evidence of poverty, measured by a maximum average income of R1,500 per household member per month.
Already serving 752 learners from surrounding settlements, including Langa, Hanover Park and Manenberg, Christel House’s holistic development model includes poverty mitigation services such as daily transport to and from school, professional health care, nutritious meals, psychosocial counselling, family assistance and college and careers planning and support. It also supports more than 220 post-matric graduates.