Show your impact. Share your inspirational stories to show the difference you make. Apply now to become an administrator for your CauseEmail Hayley: ONCE APPROVED, FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE STEPS: 1. Login to our online portal, using your MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet supporter details LOGIN 2. The Beneficiary Administrator tab will appear on the right-hand side of your screen. Click on your beneficiary / cause that you will be administrating. 3. Click on the edit button, to update your Cause’s contact details. Don’t forget to save. HOW TO CREATE AN IMPACT STORY: Click on the PLUS ICON + , located in your post bar Drag and drop your chosen imageAdd a title and impact storyClick post To edit or delete your post, go back into your beneficiary profile.Click on the pencil icon to edit and trash icon to delete. REMEMBER TO REGULARLY CHECK ON YOUR POSTS TO SEE YOUR SUPPORTERS RESPONSE.