Opening their hearts and doors, the team at Angels Baby Sanctuary are helping love and care for unwanted babies till they find their forever home.
Each year around 3500 babies are abandoned in South Africa. And it’s thanks to organisations like Angels Baby Sanctuary that these little ones are nurtured and cared for until they’re placed in a loving and safe home.
Angels Baby Sanctuary is home to an average of six babies at any time — which means much-needed funds are used to ensure they have the nappies and formula they need, while their dedicated team of caregivers give them the care they need for healthy development.
Now, the team is thrilled to be expanding to help care for more babies and place them in a loving home and through the MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet funds they will be able to carry on giving care to the babies. Each care giver also known as an angel is passionate about opening their hearts to as many babies as they can to comfort them and give them a sense of belonging, until they’re placed in their adoptive home or reunited with families.
Support the incredible work of Angels Baby Sanctuary who provide a safe haven for every precious baby. Get Free card or link Woolies card.